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The Ethnico

The Ancient Art of Traditional Weaving and Ethnico

Carpet or rug making is an ancient form of art originating from Central Asia. As part of an extraordinarily authentic culture, carpets and rugs used to be exclusively non-trade products and were only made for the use of people in a mesmerizing process. Traditionally the finest sheep wools are sheared and made into threads by women.

These threads are then dyed using special rocks, various plants and roots displaying beautiful colors from nature. This process starts with boiling the threads with coloring material in large caldrons and finished after the threads spend three days placed in rivers under big rocks to wash away the excess dye. Before being woven into stunning carpets and rugs they are dried and spooled.

Many techniques such as this are lost throughout centuries and three generations of our family has been dedicated to keep traditions alive and known for future generations. At Ethnico we are reaching to these far villages in southern Turkey to learn more of these traditions and purchase their products at fair prices to fund them and bring their beautiful art to your homes in various forms such as carpets, rugs and pillow cases.

We can only hope that our customers learn more about these traditions and support them by purchasing the available products. Feel free to get in touch with us to learn more.